Importing Embergen>Blender

Hi. I recently started using Embergen for my work sims.
I just love it, super recommended to anyone needing smoke/fire sims.

I wanted to ask if anyone in the forum has experience tweaking the shaders/attributes embedded in the OpenVDB file exported from Embergen to Blender. I would like to know if you use the attributes in the file and how to implement them. Trying to use the velocity attribute to shade with a gradient the steam flux.

I am working with steam simulations:

I needed to crank up the volume density a lot to see the volume.

Attributes embedded in the file:

But when I try to check how they behave, I can not see any change of color in the speed x for example:

I can not see any change in information by typing the velocity_x or y attribute in the attribute node.

Am I doing it correctly?

Thank you

Did you find a solution for this?

I suppose that he understood that its viewer node was plugged into the wrong socket.
Shortcut plugs it into the Surface socket instead of the Volume one.

instead of velocity do you have try density temperature or flames?