Importing Refrence Images for Modeling

Hello BA’s,

I’m a MAYA student at AI, but I want to try out this software at home since I can’t afford anything else. I just started trying to model, but I go by the method my teacher taught me in week 3 for modeling an airplane ( ); which requires placing different views of your model/character turnarounds on the corresponding axis on the grid so that you have a better guide for accurately making the model. Does anyone know how to achieve this with Blender?

Using a Background image is a good start:
In a 3d viewport, menu “view”: you’ll find "background image.
Unfortunately the BG Image will be the same for all viewports…

Another good way is explained here
Download number 8. There is an article about using blueprints that you’ll sure find usefull !

Unfortunately the BG Image will be the same for all viewports…

Not at all; you can have a different background image in each viewport.

Rats, only one viewpoint? The article does look more promising though. Thanks!

this is the video tutorial link (uv method).easy to follow

@CD38 :you are absolutely true ! My mistake !
What i had in memory is that, in one particular viewport you’ ll have ONE BG image, no matter if your are in FrontView, TopView or LeftView,etc…

Sorry i mixed that up !