Impossible figures with snakes

I made images these images for a personal project of “Impossible figures with Snakes”.
My goal was to make set of impossible geometry artworks that worked together as a collection, keeping a consistent look and using a variations of the same technique. Because the collection is intended for printing I wanted to give it a sober look that would be easy to read, so I picked analogous and monochromatic color palettes over a black background.

To create the impossible objects I used my Paradox Toolkit addon (which is free for download, btw). To create the scales in the body I use a combination of array(x3) and curve modifiers(x2), and I place the scales in the head by hand around a base mesh.
You can also find the wireframes, matcap, and viewport render in the individual page of each project on my Behance.

I hope you like it, and feel free to ask questions!

Bush Viper

Long-nosed Whip Snake

Blunt-headed Tree Snake

Dragon Snake


Looks like you took some inspiration from M. C. Escher, my favorite artist. I like how you added your own minimalistic style.

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Of course! Escher is one of my main inspirations.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!!! Have a great weekend as well :slight_smile:

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Great JOB!
? Are your scales modeled and hand-applied, or sculpted, or did you use Heightmaps or combinations of them? Just curious as they really are well done and the uniformity is very nice!

Thabk you!
The mesh of the scales is a plane with solidify+bevel+subdivision modifiers.
To place them in the body I use three array modifiers, and 2 curve modifiers.
In the head I place them by hand, following a base mesh, using the local transformation to move, rotate, and scake helps a lot.

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Nice work! Always loved impossible geometry, and it’s always fun to see someone give it an extra spin.

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