Impossible to bevel


I have a ton of object like this to bevel, but when I apply the modifier nothing happens. I think the problem must be with the geometry, but frankly I don’t know how to take the trick… :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Bevel.blend (929.4 KB)

To be blunt, your topology is…eh…not good. At first, I assumed the front and back of your perfume bottle weren’t welded with the sides, but I still couldn’t get it to bevel, either manually or with the modifier, after doing a merge by distance. And since everything else is so messy, it’s hard to immediately troubleshoot.

Since you’re having so much trouble now, you’ll only end up with even more troubles later, once you start adding in more details. It’d be better just to redo the thing from scratch. Like this…

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What can i say??? Dito and too late :wink:

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If you just started 4 minutes earlier, the glory could’ve been yours!

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I agree with @Renzatic and @Okidoki , if you want to apply the bevel modifier, rebuild the model with better topology.

If you are only interested in the final render result, you can try the Cycles bevel shader node:

Another alternative is to use remesh and smooth:

(I did apply “merge-> by distance” ony your mesh, though)

Bevel-2.blend (981.2 KB)

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Wow you are amazing guys, a lot of things to learn here :nerd_face: :bulb:

  • “LordoftheFleas”, very interesting info for Cycles ! And thank you very much for your file, I saved it :memo:. But it has to be 3d print so I need to find another way…
  • “Renzatic” you were totally right, at first it is a svg, I made an extrusion of the curve then convert to mesh
  • You were fast too “Okidoki” :+1:. Like Renzatic you redo the bottle, but is-there a solution with the svg?

Do you think that there is a solution with the svg, because I have a lot of bottle like this to do, so if there is a smart and simple way :woozy_face:

Flacon_bottle_18_front (659 Bytes)

HI an other way is the edge duplication and cleaning it from unnecessary vertexes, the shape is a bit messy and then convert to a curve object and bevel it after few adjustment on curve panel proprieties.
But for a good result with Blender you have to make a clean topology and at latest make the bevel manually or redo it with FreeCAD Part workbench and bevel inside FreeCAD

Bevel1.blend (922.2 KB)

Here your file with a bit bevel

Uhhhh even the svg is not symetrical… an the curves are iiiiihhh not nice i think… you may use this as base or better only as a ref (import and convert to mesh) and re-model it by snapping at some of the points… Better to model ina clean manner…

here the SVG imported in blender with import SVG add-on

I scaled it up 10x and adjusted some value in curve panel and and extruded and beveled but I also offset down it a bit in curve propriety and beveled.
SVG-bevel.blend (770.3 KB)

Thank you Pafurijaz :pray:

So guys, if I resume I have to redo all the object that I have :crazy_face:
Ok, that’s unfortunately what I supposed before my wish to find another way :pleading_face:

This first model was “easy” to redo due to this angular shape, but what about round shape like this one?

You’d use the screw tool for that (which should be called a lathe tool, but I ain’t getting into that.)

In the lates example I used the original model without editing the original SVG but I added a few options in the curve proprieties

Give more segments, like 5, to your bevel and you may uncheck Clamp overlap . The topology can be corrected i.a. with Remesh modifier. And slight bevels can be achieved with Edge Crease as well.

Then the remesh + smooth variant may still be an option to you, it all works on geometry.

A lot of solution here, thanks guys :pray:

But if I want a clean 3d print file I think that I have to redo the shape…
How do you do that? I create a cube mesh the I had vertices to shape it, on and on :nerd_face:

You can, too, create the front face starting with a plane and extrude it. Then subdivide , not too heavy, the model with CTRL+R and bevel. Also remember the # of loopcuts is reciprocal to your bevel width.