Impostor Baker Add-on

With the Impostor Baker add-on, you can create game ready impostors for any object with one click.
You can use this open beta version for commercial projects.

Download the Open Beta here:

Download the Unreal Engine Material here:

Tell me what you think :smiley:


This looks great! I can really see a bunch of use-cases for this. Thanks for making this!


Unfortunately the drive link doesnā€™t work for meā€¦ no other link available please ? Thanks a lot because it seems promisingā€¦

Iā€™ve uploaded it now also to OneDrive:!AoGfQicFL_CAeulR6GcDdngNdqM?e=tApjcq

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This looks AMAZING. However when I try to run it the resulting planes have no material associated with them. No errors show up either. Am I missing something basic?

Actually it does have an error dialog:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/-----/.config/blender/2.82/scripts/addons/ImposterBaker/", line 607, in execute
    recurLayerCollection(layer_collection, = True
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'exclude'

location: <unknown location>:-1

Can you upload your blend file or post a picture of the Outliner?

Iā€™ll snag a pic of the Outliner when I get a chance but it was just a simple test with Suzanne the Monkey as in your video!

Just not doing it from scratch helps a lot!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sharing!
I already downloaded it and I will integrate it in my Pipeline!

@Komposthaufen I love this plugin and thank you for making it. I did have a quick question however. This plugin creates an isometric 360 of a model, but would it be possible to do a full 360 sprite sheet of the model? (all sides to 1 sheet similar to ue4 documentation)


Seems very interesting!!! Sadly for me the command ā€œbake and create impostorā€ doesnā€™t pop up when I press F3. Maybe I have an incompatible version of blender (2.91).

Weird, Iā€™m on 2.91 and itā€™s there


having same problem as above when installed cannot search the bake function.

Did you find a fix to this Iā€™d really like to know why mine isnt working as well.

Looking forward to the material setup for Godot and Unity :slight_smile:
This add on is a long time coming ! You are the hero we need !

[Update, searched for it and typing Bake or imposter shows nothing up, so three people have mentioned nothing is found.]

The problem is that you are using the standard menu search, which only finds operators that are placed in a menu somewhere in blender. To be able to access all operators in this search, turn on ā€œdeveloper extrasā€ in Preferences > Interface > Display > Developer extras.

If you donā€™t want to turn that on, you can access the operator in the ā€œImposter Bakerā€ panel in the N-panel.

It looks like the developer has somewhat abandoned the project, however, as the UI for this panel is just one of the inbuilt templates, so most of the buttons there arenā€™t actually related to the addon.

@Reality_Checker @merch137 @anon62435837

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thank you for posting the proper answer. Donā€™t see a way to mark as helpful.

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What a massive time saver! I will definitely work this when using custom trees.

Question: Do you plan to implement a top down card too? So we can fly over the trees and still look down?

I have seen some icosphere imposter systems also, have you had a look into that imposter technique?

Is this addon actually working for people? I get the error I mentioned a while ago above still constantly. Would really love to use this and wondering if I am missing something basicā€¦

idk what i am doing rong
also i am going to sleep now gn