Improved Edge Node (image-based edgse detection)

Hello everyone!

I just want to share my improved version of famous Edge Node, ( described here: )
While latest iteration of Edge Node 1.2.4 works fine, it has some downsides which i tried to encounter in my improved version.


  • finer control over “Normals” contribution into edge detection, you can vary from no normals-based edges at all to “every crisp change in normal create edge”
  • finer control over “Distance” contribution into edge detection
  • easier structure, node works faster (much much less operations used)
  • better capturing of tiny details, crispier edges. This can give you noise in edgy cases, but you can smooth/despekle them anyway

Basically i managed to replace “magic ramp” (from original Edge Node) with manual calculation of color channels depending both from normals and distance at the same time (no need in separate paths, easier blending between two factors) and prepare scale-free color (using sin/cos instead of manually crafted ramp) for laplace detection

Some images:

Any feedback welcome :slight_smile:


Improved Edge detection Node.blend (618 KB)

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Awesome!!! works fine!!! :slight_smile:

Did a quick comparison of original node and my improved version. I don`t see many differences in capturing via z-depth (though in my experience WPEdge node did not need fine tuning on distance, so easier to use), but normals… Basically they are captured in different ways, and WPEdge detects them even when they are not really “edges”, especially on curved surfaces.

Time to try to improve it further )


Improved version of improved node. Blend with latest version:
If anyone can test it in different scenes (in my case this one gives the best results) - please share your opinion

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