Improving the UV mapping of curve object with geometry nodes

Hi, I’m trying to recreate and improve on the UV texture mapping of the standard curve object - using geometry nodes.

One reason for this is that the position and density of the curve handles/splines with basic curve UV mapping affects the density of it:

I’d like the UV mapping to be evenly mapped/proportioned along the length of the curve - with the position or density of the handles having no effect on the density/scaling of the UV.

I’ve got close to this with the setup below (notice how the extra curve handles in the top left quadrant have no effect on the UV scaling):

But this method has an issue with the final segment of a closed curve - where the UV values interpolate from 1.0 back to 0.0:

Changing the values on the ‘Resample curve’ geometry node can reduce this effect, but not completely eliminate it. Does anyone know of a workaround for this? If there’s a way to do this without geometry nodes, that would also be fine.


Take a look at this:


Thanks! The ‘CurveToMeshUVs(4.0).4.blend’ seems to do what I was hoping for. Sorry for the delayed reply.

I’ll have a better look tomorrow to try and understand how it works :slight_smile:

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Hi, just a quick update.

I was having an issue with the way that CurveToMeshUVs(4.0).4.blend creates the mesh from a curve with text objects and SVG logos. So I used an alternative method for the mesh generation part (see screenshot below).

But I used the ‘CurveToMeshUVs’ node group, which fixed the UV mapping issues I was having. Thanks @Zebrahead for pointing me to this and to @zeroskilz and others who worked on it.

My current node setup and an example of what I’m using it for: