In rendering, objects that are not normally visible in the viewport appear

Hi fellas!

This is the first time I’ve ever seen it. I just want to render an animation. But I saw the few object (mesh) on the render screen. Should I keep going on? But they are actually not appear on viewport. I don’t want to cancel the render. It seems will take a long time. If you guys tell me cancel it, I’ll cancel it. But maybe it just for the rendering screen. I don’t know. Could you help me?

Here is the screenshot;


Make sure you hide your object from being visible in the render as well as from the viewport in an outliner. See at the camera icon, it should be turned off:


Opss! :frowning: Thank you so much! Then should I cancel the render?

Of course, cancel the animation, hide that object from being visible in the final render and then start the animation again.

Thank you so much!

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The Eye icon (marked as number 1 in the screenshot above) - hides the object(s) from being visible in the viewport, while the Camera icon (marked as number 2 in the screenshot above) - hides the object(s) from being visible in an actual render.

Hope that helps


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