Indominus Rex

Hi guys :slight_smile: Iโ€™ve just finished my new work which is Indominus Rex in Blender!

Total work time was about 15 hours. (I used a lot of aligator skin photos hah)
Blender - Cycles 1000 samples
About 30 minutes rendertime.

Hope you like it :slight_smile: I think i can say that ive made big progress since first Creature Creation (my timelapse videos). This one is also timelapsed :slight_smile:

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I really like this! the only thing i would say is it dosnt quite feel like a large powerful dinosaur. would love to see you create a full scene with this!

Wow thats some production quality stuff right here. Modeling and sculpting are top notch (who needs z-brush?). Shading and more importantly lighting could be improved a bit. Also this model deserves a fitting scene with earth and trees and not just some random pedestal, maybe build a whole scene when your PC/Mac can handle it or try to integrate it into some real life footage.Where did you get all of your textures for sculpting and would you be willing to share them (Iโ€™m working on a dragon and couldreally use some nice brush-textures).

Damm thats goodโ€ฆ

Good model in general. But, in order to give some extra points (my two cents):

  • the intensity of the head and mouth doesnโ€™t appear in the front arms. They look like falling
  • perhaps a background or some kind of environment would make a better look. It looks too sharp againt the black background.