After a off time of using Blender, a new personal project. Trying to get the best out of Cycles.
How does this have no replies yet?? This is some incredible work. I love what you did with the carpet; it looks so real. So fluffy.
Beautiful work, camara. So many angles of interest to place the camera. I especially like the quality of the lighting, with the sun and ambient light, and the areas where the direct sun hits the floor and the rest of the room.
There is so much to look at, the amount of modeling and texturing required is huge! Five star work!
those are some pretty awesome renders! i’ll have to come back when i have more time to go through them all more closely, but the work that you’ve obviously put into them has paid off with some impressive results.
Thanks a lot! I’m glad you liked it!
It took me some time and effort, and there are thing to improve, but I think I’m getting the grasp of Cycles potencial.
Fantastic work.
I really like there overall tone of all your renders. Only thing I’m not so crazy about is that i think the highligt is a litle bit to strong and the dark spots litle to dark.
How many samles did you render the scene? I think there is lot of noise.
I like images with a little more contrast, but that’s just a personal taste.
About the noise, I was trying to make the images with the fewer samples i could. All the images were rendered with 576 samples and in the compositor use the Bilateral Blur with the PassCombineDeNoiser node setup from bWideNodePack.
Amazing stuff in there.
Maybe could do with a bit more samples, but again I kind of like them with a little noise.
Do not exaggerate so with pointing out the grain, each analogue photography has grain and it is its charm.
Here, the only thing that affects me is the uneven level of visualization, some are really great, but some are empty and boring (f.ex. kitchen- 1, 6 vis). But this is a minor thing.
Besides, here are sensational texture, in particular floor… Would you share information how You made this material?
Regards, paulina
For the material of the floor, like for almost all my materials, I use always a difuse map, a bump map and a specular map.
Here are the nodes of the material. These include a Fresnel (as it should be for all materials except very reflective metals) Mix of two specular maps, one of the material itself another of dirt. All controled with a ramp.
The other trick is that the floor texture is not high resolution and to get a decent look with no tiling showing, i mix the same texture with diferent UV’s with a Fac mix that is a noise texture (fBM) controled with a ramp. This break’s the repeting patern of the texture and I can cover large areas.
wow what a great source of inspiration! Awesome work!!
Thanks camara, nice trick
thank You for sharing Your technique
I would say that you’ve achieved some of the best looking architectural renders that I’ve seen to date… and I’m not talking just from Blender. These are stunning!
Top row for sure! Great work!
I agree, your materials, lighting, mood…awesome. I especially like the bedroom and the dark kitchen.
Awesome work man, how much time it took you to do it?
Fantastic work.
I think contrast is too strong making darks too dark and over exposing some highlight areas.
Superb !! I’m not experienced enough to make other good critics, that’s all I can say, superb, and I really love the use of yellow/orange and blue/purple.
Stunning work man.It’s reaallly awesome.This should go to the gallery.