Initial Bmesh builds are starting to pop up.

Doesn’t have all the stuff the old mesh type has yet, but it’s getting there, and has the prototype already for you to play with, I don’t plan to download it, but I believe you can check out the Ngons now:)

EDIT: I do notice, there’s a lot of development related threads in this forum recently.

Too bad, the build was done yesterday, which means: no connect tools :frowning:
(simple versions of it were added today, according to the cvs logs)

Nice to see improvements in this area as well though. I would almost kill a dinosaur to get connect-tools in Blender, really :ba:

Not much seems to be working, but it certainly looks funky!

This build actually does have the initial vert connect and edge connect tools in it. Give em a whirl.

As far as the drawing issues are concerned, looks like something wrong with vid card drivers… The new drawing code in this branch uses vertex arrays for editmode drawing… much faster but perhaps less compatible. Can you post your vid card specs + OS information so the info can be passed on to the person who wrote the draw code (joeedh)?


Oh! Cool! Didn’t check out the W-menu yet :o
That’s some great work!

As far as the drawing issues are concerned, looks like something wrong with vid card drivers… The new drawing code in this branch uses vertex arrays for editmode drawing… much faster but perhaps less compatible. Can you post your vid card specs + OS information so the info can be passed on to the person who wrote the draw code (joeedh)?

Sure :slight_smile: Nice to see vertex arrays being used by the way.

Well, after some testing, it seems to be the hack I’m using. Because I can’t use Blender without putting a custom atioglxx.dll in my Blender directory, I’m putting that file into each installation dir of Blender on this system (I’m still not sure if it completely disables hw acceleration, but it seems to be a lot faster than without hw acceleration at all).

Without the replaced driver, Blender is unusable (seconds per frame update), but as far as I can tell the drawing updates are correct without the ATi-driver hack.

With the hack, I’m getting colored edges, and sometimes white/gray edges (there’s no way to reproduce it as far as I can see, seems to be random). With the hack, the edges in edge mode (and vertex mode as well) are not colored to tell the user it’s selected.

Perhaps there’s something wrong with the color array? Aside from that it works great :slight_smile:

I’m using an ATi Radeon Express 200M(obility) by the way (Windows XP Pro).

yes, it is too buggy to test yet, but so far I made a 5 vertex mesh and display was good.

did i read connect edges? are we soon get loop cut drawing tools???

Is it buggy, or are there features missing. If your encountering actual bugs (as opposed to missing functionality) it would be very very helpful if you reported these in the bug tracker and assigned them to me. If missing features, well just wait and see :wink:

Thanks for looking.

Oops, I meant missing features :slight_smile:
But at this point its hard to tell what is a bug and what is not :frowning: It crashed on me 3 times, but I think it was mostly related to missing features. I will do some more testing!

Briggs, excelent stuff here! I love the expansion of the F key functionality.
I have one suggestion tho. Since blender already has mixed selection modes, it would be welcome if one could connect a vert to an edge and similar. This should be thought out, maybe some other combinations would give logical results.

Should we comment on N-gon triangulator also, or is that not part of bmesh rewrite. Becouse I got some cases where it fails. As soon as face selection works I’ll have more feedback/model test cases for you.

BTW. so far brep handles laminas most gracefully, I can see that was a big concern for you, as blender is somewhat unique in this regard.

I am excited as you can prolly see…

This is one case where connect edge fails. It should connect edges in order selected if possible.

Thanks for the kind words… a couple things…

As far as mixed selection modes goes, thats something thats up in the air currently. Blender’s selection code is something that is pretty contentious in my mind honestly. It actually is very problematic (and buggy) I am considering changing how this works completely for a system that is more clean and maintainable. The justification for this is that it’s better to have a system that has a cleaner design overall rather than one that is a mess in order to support a few ‘fringe’ cases where it might be useful. Those fringe cases can dealt with on a case by case basis instead. There needs to be discussion about this issue and how best to deal with it so I’m going to be working on some updates to the bmesh wiki about design proposals in the near future hopefully…

You could comment on the tesselator, except there isn’t one currently :wink: The drawing code just draws triangle fans from the start of the polygon and moves out. This will be fixed soon, but for right now I am concentrating on tools.

As for connect tool failing in that case, this is known issue. I hacked it in early yesterday morning just for people to play with and get some testing done. More robust face split tools will be coming soon.

Thanks for feeback :wink:


Hey Briggs,
thanks again for a renewal that was quite necessary.
I made my first Ngon that’s always that but for the rest not much is working indeed : I guess that anything that pertains to the EditMesh structure is disabled (primitives, selection except RMB and shift RMB)…
Anyways, what I really wanted to say was to ask you if you intend to use this thread the same way as Maike (GLSL) or Jahka did, to get the bulk of your feedback. If so just tell us what you implemented that you need tested and I bet that a bunch of people will gladly autopsy that for you. :wink: