How can i achieve this result in blender 2.8?
I haven’t tried this, but I’ve been meaning to.
Eevee simplies a lot via shader->RGB, which you can use (with a white diffuse) to get a lightmap. You could use screenspace coordinates (window coords IIRC) to multiply your “real” output with special crosshatch texture, using your inverse lightmap as a fac.
In the case of the video you linked, the crosshatching looks like it’s UV mapped, not screen mapped, which helps with flow, but requires you to create a special texture for the model.
One of the issues with crosshatching is that real life cross-hatching isn’t parallel, and it’s not random-- it’s inspired by the shapes being crosshatched. But unfortunately, I can’t imagine how to acquire “flow” and distort your crosshatch texture appropriately based on it without UV-based texturing (which may not always work well with animation, either). That’s the hard problem that one would need to solve to make it look great. (And once solved, would help a lot with other NPR techniques, like brush strokes.)
the effect achieved in that video is gourgeos
Maybe this could you help you…