I was wondering what’s the best method (or one method that is not drawing semirandom lines as i tried ) to create this image with Inkscape, step by step? Anyone have some good tutorials about this particular shapes?
Hi, you need something like this?
Import your image in Inkscape > Vectorize (Shift+Alt+B) > ready.
You can import the resulting svg in Blender as curve.
Cheers, mib.
Mib2berlin: i was looking for a method to draw from scratch that shape in Inkscape, as you did is too much simple
JA12: yes, i think will be of interest as i’m kind of new to Inkscape and some tutorials will be useful, thank you
this guy explains using curves well. It is just how to use the tool you can make what you wish.
The tricky part is that the 2 arrows must be identical, especially in the middle part at the center. So some sort of mirror tool would be helpful.
Gladly you can have something like a mirror in inkscape: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di6cZIxPsC8
(There’s even a template)
Combine this with the structure of how yin yang symbols are created:
Now if you create a template with 4 mirrored parts so that the 4 spikes of the arrows are created identical you have a “powertool”
It’s much easier to just use normal clones in Inkscape.
Here’s my attempt. Have fun!
yinyang arrows.zip (2.98 KB)
Here my try:
It’s not perfect but ok for my needs…the tricky part is to know how to properly use node instruments and curve snaps; thanks everybody!
How did you create this? It looks very symmetrical.
More o less as you suggested, using clones and nodes/path snaps. Then i manually combined the obtained path with the external circle and at last some black bucket filling
In vector drawing programs, Inkscape, Illustrator, etc. you have the choice to click to create a line segment and it should go to “straight” as you click on the next point. After creating a series, you can then click on a point and change it’s behavior with the node tools at top. If in the creating, you Click and Drag, it will create Bezier curves. If you come back and Click on one of these curved points, you can convert it to sharp angle. Lots of control, but it takes practice.