I dont even know how to explain this issue . I will link a video
WARN (wm.keymap): C:\Code\blender350_git\blender\source\blender\windowmanager\intern\wm_keymap.c:454 WM_keymap_poll: empty keymap ‘Curves’
I dont even know how to explain this issue . I will link a video
WARN (wm.keymap): C:\Code\blender350_git\blender\source\blender\windowmanager\intern\wm_keymap.c:454 WM_keymap_poll: empty keymap ‘Curves’
On this page
Resetting to Factory Settings cured it.
I just did a search for “454 WM_keymap_poll: empty keymap 'Curves”.
yeah, I was trying to avoid that as i have over 100 addons and very customised startup
Duplicate your startup file first.
And the addon folder ?? Not sure if you will be able to drop this back in and have it work. I am an addon minimalist, so its not something I have to deal with.
And the Preferences file - duplicate that as well.
The old startup and preference files can be dropped back in. I had to do it about 10 times a couple of months ago. I now have those two files added to my regular backup list.
I had the same problem and figured it out without having to reset everything. The problem was I had a custom keymap carried over from an old version of Blender that was apparently missing a “Curves” section. Switch the keymap to one of the built-in keymaps and the problem will go away. If you have any modifications, you’ll have to recreate them.
I was also migrating my custom keymap (i.e. customkeyconfig.py) from 3.4.x to 4.x. Instead of using another keymap or redoing my custom keymaps, I opened my keymap file and removed the empty section:
{"space_type": 'EMPTY', "region_type": 'WINDOW'},
This seemed to work for me. I don’t have any specific curves keymappings, so these are carried over from default anyway.