Generates the body and leg tip empties, and writes the corresponding IPOs (generates both position and rotation of the leg tip empties, allowing for best result: see constraints in the example below and in the tutorial).
Allows for different proxies (animate them in the same blend, get animated insect crowds).
Allows for 6 and 8 legged insect, with body description.
Does not work in 2.28 or 2.28a: I can’t fix the crash caused by
I’m glad I could be of some help (though that script is not longer needed now due the the addition of the Lock Track constraint in tuhopuu and soon in 2.29).
Since we have access to the armature in the new API, is there a way you could add the IPOs directly to the bones instead of going through emptys?
I want to learn how to write python scripts as soon as I have the time.
But this script is floored me. Ahhh. Could these same princples that you use in your script be altered to automactically control car wheel rotaion with a "proxy object for the wheels, or a human biped walk or any proxy with series of motion fuctions assigned to it?
I have been missing out on alot of cool stuff around here.
Here is an animation of a script I just put together. The object is parented to a moving empty, this is the only IPO controlled object in the scene. The wheel spinning and the z-axle spinning are generated from the script.
Well, I have not managed to understand how to use the new API for IPOs and have failed to find examples (there were talks on the forum of having a snippet library?). :-?
The other thing is that the new API does not allow you to build armatures, only to modify them.
though that script is not longer needed now due the the addition of the Lock Track constraint in tuhopuu and soon in 2.29
Is there a build for Windows of tuhopuu somewhere?
When is 2.29 due out ?