Inserting pictures

i’ve been trying to put a .png image into blender to use as a background, but when i do so the picture doesn’t appear. i check mark the background image box, i browse for my image, open it, and nothing appears. it’s probably something really simple that i didn’t do, as i’m really new to blender. can somebody help please? thanks.

Background image appear only in orthogonal views window; top, front, or side. If prospective is on, it will not show. And, oddly background show in camera view.

aight thanks. just tried it and it only appeared in camera view, but the picture was extremely low quality and squished smaller. tried top, front, and side views too, but they didn’t show. how do you know if prospective is on or not? and how do you change it? :S

If you press numpad 5, you will toggle perspective and orthographic mode. Your background images will be seen in orthographic in whatever view you put them in. The mode will be displayed in the upper left hand corner of the viewport in 2.5x

There is an add on “Import Image to Plane” that is handy. Makes a plane with the image as a texture with the same dimensions as the image.