Hello there, i’m modelling a lot windows, and i’ve been using blender has 4 years, so i’m experienced.
But i’m having a really annoying problem, as you can see on the attached image.
OFF(how to place the attached image in text?)
I know it’s possible to do something good using curves and setting a “profile” curve on Bevel Shape (BevOb) so i could achieve the desired object, but it would costs me a lot of time because i need to model a lot of similar objects.
So i decided to ask here if someone knows any workaround os some script to do that.
It looks like you’re starting with edges only. And for the second extrusion you’ve already used Alt+S, I think.
If you start with faces you could use the Solidify Selection Script, this keeps the thickness quite good.
Yes - I’m missing a proper Inset or Offset Tool as well.
It should have been a must-have for a long time before 2.5.
But as long as there are workarounds possible, it’s O.K.