Hey, I’ve never modelled something like this before, stick to characters usually, but I ahve to learn for a project I am working on, and have to model HELL environments for backgrounds, so if anyone could lead me in some directions with this sort of thing, including exterior and interior locational stuff, thanks
Good start man. I think the drawers could use some work. You could also put some stuff of the walls and model some object to go on the table, and floor. Jumping from organic character modeling to environment modeling is like a big mode change. I’m in the process of doing some environment modeling myself. However, this kind of modeling is a lot easier, but more technical. You’re going to want to always keep things snapped to the grid, so you can arrange and line everything up perfectly. It also helps to use multiple boxes to make what you’re doing instead of keeping everything part of the same mesh(easier control, it’s also easy to hide the other stuff. However, I usually delete polys that won’t be seen. You’ll also want to group different parts together on different layers.for example, interior on one layer, exterior on the other. For building an exterior, do it in a simular way that a real house is built, Put up walls, windows, try to add as much detail as possible. Unless it’s for a game in which case, add as much detail as possible
You’ll also want to split up your viewports and use a camera to get different views of things. Also, don’t forget about the (.)KEY on the numpad, this centers the selected object in view. UV mapping, at least the unwraping part is easy to do, mark seams around all the edges of your objects, the do an unwrap, and voila, you can perfectly tile checkerboards all over. However, for textures I like to map procederal textures and image maps instead of painting the textures directly on to the UV maps. So I add different materials to different faces. This makes it very easy to repeat a texture, and apply the same texture to other objects without having to paint UV’s.