Been some less than positive threads lately, so decided to watch a timelapse or two to cheer up. Thought I’d share one and ask others if they have any they’ve found that impressed or inspired them.
Indeed, watched that one the other day. I´m in such awe of people that make it look so easy, but it inspires me to continue working and learning. Will post something when I come home from work, YT not allowed here Good idea for a thread!
This is not a blender one but I still think you can learn a lot from watching it.
Thanks for that tyrant. That is indeed really cool, not to mention demonstrates a few useful (if minor) tools that could be developed for / used in Blender (for another thread).
One of my favourite Youtube “tutorial timelapses” for Blender is the classic Juggernaut modelling one (below). The best thing I learnt from this one was that you don’t need many “tricks” to create an awesome piece. Just time & talent
Nice thread
Here’s one that I really enjoy.
2D related, i found this timelapse rather amazing on photoshop :
And all the timelapses from that guy using gimp and a mouse are rather impressive considering how difficult mouse painting can be :
All those people make it look so easy , i wish i had half their painting talent .
This is great and I’m loving the examples others are bringing to the thread
Here’s another that’s been around the interwebs for a while, but I find quite awesome. Shame he doesn’t have more “making of” videos. Enjoy!
Great thread, nice way to relax and be inspired at the same time
Here’s some oldies but goodies hehe
It’s not in Blender (alot of the good ones aren’t ), but it’s good and I’m a sucker for videos with a soundtrack
Saw this one over at PolyCount and it was worth the watch. As are others in his YouTube channel. Give’em a watch
Here’s 3 more:
The PointPusher channel is really cool
I don’t know how to embed stuff, so I’ll post a link to another page on this site.
Another one I found today
On my machine, there is a little ‘film’ button in the toolbar for replies. For YouTubes & Vimeo, you just copy the URL and paste it into the dialog that pops up when you click on it.
Kind of an educational one, but it inspired me to give turnaround sketching a go after having given up on drawing my own concepts. It’s good (as are A LOT of the CGCookie tutorials - check them out!)
How do people make these timelapses? I mean what (free) software is used to capture screen and what settings is best (how many frames per minute, video codec etc.)?
It varies. For instance, some programs (like Blender) have built-in screen recording. Other people will use things like Camtasia and what-not. I personally do it with an FFMPEG command.
As far as speed goes, that varies as well. I tend to set my screen recording to 1 frame per second… and if that’s still too slow, I’ll adjust in post. Some people will record at a full 15-30 fps and scale the speed in post, but for me that just takes up more drive space and adds unnecessary processing time.
Glad you like it : )
These are more like making of’s, but very inspirational too. First the final piece, then the making of: