Instance packing (Fitting instance dimensions to face area) in Geometry Nodes

This is very useful. I used topology nodes. Just calculating distance between edges on X and Y axis. It is not perfect, I don’t fully understand how to use weight, or sort in right manner. But most of the time playing with weights and sort order, you get the result. If someone knows better use of topolgy nodes please improve this or give advice in right direction. Face tangent node is from Bradley Animation tutorial, I don’t remember which one though.

instance_pack.blend (3.9 MB)


You don’t really need use edges for it, you can just use face corners because the corners index always goes arounds the face, here is example

istancesal.blend (153.0 KB)


Great, much better. Will look into that.

edit: yes this is flawless, face corner it is. Also works as bad topology detector :pinched_fingers:


Just a note that that math can be simplified, a lot:
