Instance render

Hello, I have some problem with rendering the instance. I’ll post a simple example to illustrate. :grinning:

I have a scene with tube and cap. I added them to Empty as “Instancing” and made a copy of empty x2 so as not to duplicate objects. I need to render all objects on layer 1 and only tubes on layer 2. Unfortunately, if I turn off the cap on the layer 2, it still renders in instaces. Do you know a way to prevent rendering caps in instances ?

Instead of placing the cap in a collection just for itself, you can turn off the render visibility on the object itself and it will work on the instances too.

Could you show an example how to do this?

instancing_problem.blend (877.9 KB)

Simply like this:

And if it’s a problem for you that the cap is still visible in the viewport, you can go in the filters menu (the little funnel icon at the top of the outliner) and activate viewport visibility. It adds a visibility toggle that’s independent of the “H” shortcut.

Unfortunately, this is not a solution to my problem. Because the cap won’t render on both layers (screenshot). And as I wrote in the task, I need Layer 1 to render the tube and cap, and Layer 2 to render only the tube.

I see.

Then, maybe you could use a linked scene instead of render layers.

This option is going to create a second scene withing the same blend file. That second scene is going to share all the same objects as the first. Anything you do directly to an object in one scene, like modeling and animating them, will also happen in the other. However, creating and deleting an object in one scene, changing the visibility of objects or the render settings won’t affect the other scene.

This can be useful for creating render passes, because scenes can be used instead of render layers and they allow for more things to be overridden.