Instanced Round Caps on Curve Not Matching Taper

I am trying to get this curve with rounded end caps to follow a taper profile. I have succeeded in all but making the end caps adhere to the same tapering as the curve. The instanced end caps need to scale with the float curve node that is controlling the curve tapering. Can anybody help me please?

The original tutorial I followed said that I could edit the curves end points radius to do this, but changing either points radius does nothing.

Curve to Points will erase the Radius info - Just Capture it before the Curve to Points and plug the captured value into the Instance on Points’ Scale.

Good luck.

@zeroskilz Sorry, I’ve tried doing what you’ve said and I can’t get it to work.

I don’t understand the order: How do I capture that radius information and plug it in to the Instances on Points Scale before the Curve to Points node when surely the Instances on Points has to come after the Curves to Points node?

If it’s of any help, plugging the Float Curve directly into Instances on Points Scale reverses the previous viewport screenshot. the smaller end conforms to it’s respective part of the Float Curve but not the other larger end on the right, that becomes equally small.

@zeroskilz Sorry, that needs some further explanation. My apologies, I probably sound like a dunce. Every time I think I’m getting the hang of Geo Nodes I get properly stumped like this, haha.

I’ve tried plugging pretty much every geometry output in this setup into here and it doesn’t work.

Have you tried the obvious one?:


Yes, unless I am once again being a bit stupid:

That’s better, but noticing that you’re overriding the radius (Thought you were using the curve’s radius from edit mode), so you should be using the overridden one:

That should do it.


Yay! Thank you, you’re a genius once again Zeroskilz. I believe you helped me last time I had a query too, haha.

One day I’ll have this geo nodes thing sussed… Then they’ll fundamentally change it all :rofl:

Final nodes setup: