Instances and Seperate Meshes disappear

Hayo, B3D lovers.

I am facing a small problem, hopefully I can get some good tips?

When I create an Instances from a Mesh ALT+D then in a strange way my Instance Meshes disappear in the Viewport and in the Render, does anyone know how that can be?

In my Outliner nothing is unchecked also not in or with the Collections. I literally see from the Instance only the Origin floating.

And I have exactly the same problem with Separate (TAB) CTRL + P then Selection then the Separate Mesh disappears.

Does or has anyone know or had this problem?

Thank you very much in advance!

(I have been using version 3.5.0 for a long time)

If you are Alt-duplicating in edit mode - that is your problem. That is not making a duplicate. When you separate it makes the duplicate.

Alt-D in Object mode.

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I don’t understand this… you say:

…and then your first image shows the separate menu… (which exist only in Edit mode) with the whole mesh selected… so the whole mesh gets separated from the object…

That’s the way it’s supposed to be… but this has nothing to do with Alt-D (which exist only in editmode)…

Maybe you just hit LMS twice (or some mousekeybounce) ?? First to finish the possible movement of the duplicated object and second to deselect the object… (Also… what should show us Cube.002 … ?)

Then on the last image you show us only the outliner with Original_Mesh and Separte_Mesh … so what ?? :person_shrugging:

Also… maybe update to 3.5.1

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@Okidoki What I wanted to do is with Separate is that I get one Cube, for example, a Wireframe Modifier It’s about the Cube Edges that I and the other separated Cube does not.

True ALT + D has nothing to do with the Separate operation but did he me the same problem suddenly.
Because also with Separate I never had this problem before.

Nope after the Separate operation I pressed G (back in Object Mode) to check if they are two separate objects but only the Origin dot remains visible to the mesh not. (Cube 002)

@Matakani I know, because on my images was only about the Separate and not about ALT + D because when I do that I object mode, seemingly then my Cube 002 also disappears.
That’s how I meant it, my apologies for the confusion then.

I just wanted to show that I hadn’t disabled anything by accident, to make it clearer. :grinning:

Then of course you hav eto duplicate the object and add (or delete) any modifier…

Seperate is for seperating…

If you want just a part of the mesh (or even the whole [1]) in an alternative version (for later edit) then you have to duplicate this in editmode before seperating… it ever was this way…

[1] then of course someone can duplicate the whole object using Duplicate Objects (shift-D) or Duplicate Linked (alt-D)…

Then apparently earlier (when it did work) I had first duplicated CTRL + D, edges selected (Edit Mode) and then CTRL + P Separate Mode (object Mode) and on the Separate Mesh then set up the Modifier?

So again I should have followed this order!

I think so… :smiley_cat:

It works thank you very much!
I apparently had the order wrong.