Instances Not Uniformly Spread

I am trying to put these dots randomly on the Body of this model. However, the dots always want to avoid the area outlined in red. I have spent hours/days changing the Distribute Points On Faces settings but nothing makes the dot spread uniformly. I tried multiple settings on the QuadRemesher and, trust me, I tried lots of other things that didn’t work. The other vertex groups seem to be working fine.

I also have an extension (not sure what to call it) circled in the Geometry Node window that I am unable to figure out how to eliminate. Perhaps this is the problem?

As far as i can hardly see in this screenshot… there are different Distribution on Faces nodes feed by Named Attribute nodes referening to Body, Palm, Thumb… also using different parameters (DensityMax)…
I guess this are the vertex groups… but weirdly enough the one on the top left seems to have more oval than sphere like shapes… so you might double check the area of the v-groups or “naming/spelling”… ??

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Yes, I intentionally elongated the Thumb Vertex Group using the Instance On Points - Scale.

The Problem is with the Body Vertex Group which is what I have outlined in red. The outline area will not receive the same density. I tried make a vertex group just for that area and it still will not produce the dots as uniform as the other vertex groups, or , the other areas of the Body Vertex Group.
In my experiments it seems to come down to the Distribute Points On Faces Node and the Poisson Disk. As you see here with it on random the dots are evenly distributed, though they overlap.

I can make adjustments to get it close but you can still tell the dot are not spread uniformly with gaps more prevalent in the same area.

If I bypass the Distribute Points on faces and go straight to Instance On Points you can see that they are on the point/faces. I’m not sure what this means other than the problem is with the Distribute Points on Faces Node??

I have tried remeshing many different ways and switching wires here and there but I appreciate any suggestions and will try something again if you think it a possibility.

Sincere Thanks and Appreciation.

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Have you marked this post as solved?! This is far from resolved as I have not even received a reasonable reply to my concern! Please uncheck solved so I do not have to repost everything again.

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Ups… sorry… sometimes people just forget this… and so sometimes regular do it so that this is a bit more clear and also better findable i someone searches for this (within here or via an external search engine)…

I may have missinterpreted your :

…this… also some people forget…

…so also :+1: for this :sweat_smile:

( You may have seen already… because it’s your thread, you can do this. )

…or… i just hadn’t enough coffee while doing this :wink: in fact i do not remember :older_adult:

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Are you able to remove the Solution Designation? I do not want to have to rewrite the whole post all over again!

From the manual


The number of points to distribute per square meter on each mesh face. This value is multiplied by the values from the Density Attribute.

In Poisson Disk mode, this value is multiplied by the Density Max input for the final density.

with that in mind

Have you applied scale to that part? It looks bigger than the rest, so it makes sense it would need a higher density.

Have you tried a boolean add to the vertex groups into one distribute points node to see if the behaviour changes?

Hope that helps.

Although what would help more is if you can upload the file.

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I was already when i answered…

I have spent hours in days adjusting the Poisson Disk and, as shown, though I can get it close it is not correct and very unstable.

I have considered Scale and think this is very logical but have not figured out how to do so and gave up. I will try to figure it out again but the scale options I have investigated do not seem to be to the proper pathway. I have considered that the Vertex Group needs scaled independently but again if this is so I have not figured it out. I have other priorities today and will try later. Could you please guide me to the proper scale option/procedure?

This is an option of which I have no knowledge. I will look into it later today.

I understand that sharing the file would help but I have to hesitate publicly sharing my proprietary file.

Sincere Thanks

I did have a look at the poisson distribution… you may guesd who this is… but the distibution is everythinf but even… so there may have to be gone another way ??

Can you trim it down to the problematic part? Just that part with relevant vertex group might suffice. It will also help narrow down the search for the issue - if the problem disappears when something else is excluded, it’s a clue.

Adding vertex groups together…

Thank You. I was given a couple of suggestions I will try later in the day. Scale and Boolean.

I have tried a Vertex Group in just the problematic area and the problem still exists.
Since I have your attention I am going to alter my schedule for the day and see if we can work this out, if you will, please.

Maybe this is a hint. If I turn the Quadremesher way up I get this helical feature and the position of the dots shift.

Hmm… somehow this:

…made me think… and when there is a Remesh modifier used with simple “Mesh to Points” ?? And trying this on my VIP…

Unbelievable! I did nothing. I was going to show you that using the Quadremesher setting of 100000, that I found gives me the best curves, I still get a problem in the problematic area. Well, I mistakenly made a vertex group of the whole area and when I plugged it in it worked. I did nothing other than try to show you what happens if I set Quadremesher to 2000000 (which I’ve done b4). I merely went back to the same thing I have been trying to do for the past two months. It scares me that I do not know why it now works because if it happens again I will not know how to fix it.

In such situations… do not touch anything… do something else… enjoy your victory and be happy for at least 5 minutes…

…just enjoy.

If you continue… then you will be disappointed… wahtever you do…

But i guess i’m already two hours to late :wink:

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