Hey Guys…
I have a very basic question. How will you go about instancing an object through a curve with fixed distance between each instance. Here I have used “Length” option of resample curve for it… but it doesn’t work…
1 way to do is keeping length minimum, using modulo math on index, so it skips certain amount of points to instance on. It won’t be fixed distance but difference will be minimum.
thanks so much… it gives almost the result I needed. (I actually wanted it to work exactly like an Array modifier with “fit to curve” )
Another way is to trim the curve to a multiple of the desired spacing distance before resampling it:
I like @lone_noel’s setup, and to extend that, here is how you do it for multi-curve setup:
(Also using @stray’s superior edge-placement method.)
Good luck.
thanks… this works gr8 … i am trying to use Capture Attribute node to make it work with multiple curves… but failing… please help
Here is both methods (The trim method slightly refined to remove “jumps”):
…The Trim method works in 3.4, whereas the Sample Curve method for multi-curve setups only works in 3.5 alpha.
They give exactly the same result.
Good luck.