Integrally Suppressed Ak-47

I did this for as based off of the one done by Sons of Guns ( that is on the discovery channel.


That’s awesome

Never seen an AK47 look so modern! I guess it’s the usual “Wood” parts that make it look ancient “terrorist chic” normally…

Is that based on a real weapon? looks like the top image doesn’t have a cocking mechanism… or is it different on this model?

The specular looks a little flat… looks like you’ve sold it short on the texturing and materials!

Yes it is based on a real Ak-47. Will Hayden and his team at actually made this…the first and only true integrally suppressed ak-47 in the world. I agree with the spec…but I was trying to achieve the brand new paint look…There should have been a few nicks or scratches in there…the front and rear sights as well as the cocking mechanism are all from a MP5. I did what they did lol.

ha ha yeah…

I just remember how hard it is to cock a standard AK47 if you’re right handed…fastest solution seems to rotate it 90 degrees so the cocking mechanism is facing the sky and use your left hand…

but if you can replace that entirely…

that’s perfectly black. so, it’s bad. maybe, gun’s back side must be some a little light-colored…

I love sons of guns! And just fix the spec and paint stuff and it’ll be great!

My only crit is that your lighting could be better, post some wires and some more renders :)?

will do, on wires, and clay renders, any specific angles?