Intelligent Text for height Anotation

I have an 2D plan with height marks in it.
Now i modelled it in 3D and for exampel i have stairs in it. The step is on the height of 80m.
So i put the origin of the stair-model on the point there the height mark is and give that object the Z-height of 80 meters.
This works very well and i got a very good model from it.
Now here comes my question:
I want to create a cone with a text on it and this text should be “intelligent”.
So i want this text to be autofilled with his current height.
So if i change the position of the text, it should autoupdate the number of it.
Is it possible to link the Coordination-Information with the text in real-time?

Best regards

You can activate the measure it addon, it comes already shipped with blender:

Hi, thank you.
This Addon is not bad… maybe i don´t know how to use it, but i don´t find an option to show only the z coordinate. (From the world to the vertic/objekt)

I found this add on too…
Release MeasureIt-ARCH Version 0.4.6 · kevancress/MeasureIt_ARCH · GitHub

There is the x y z options under the gear icon for the measure, there you can choose only z and it calculates only the z distance.

But i don´t need the distance i need only the position in the world.
So i need to know what height Z-Coordinate in the World has the Vertex.
I don´t have any mesh at 0 from that i start to meassure the distance between this and the Vertex.
I have only one vertex in space and i want only know his coordinate in the world.

You can set the origin to the world center or just add 1 vertics. Or you can make a link / origin between two objects / vertics, instead of segment.

I have a height mark for one stair object. So i put the origin of this object on the place were the height mark in Autocad is and than i wrote under item in the Z-Coordinate the Height from the height mark. So i already used the origin for this…

The second part of your answer sounds like an idea. How can I make a link between two objects?

With the link or origin button below the segment button. The tooltip tells how to use it.

It’s basic, but I put a quick script together to change the text of an object based on its z-location:

It only changes the text when you run the script. If you wanted it to run every time you move it, you’d need to do a bit more scripting to run the code with a handler.

and here’s my test file:
zheight script.blend (791.4 KB) - cc0 license

Thank you both of you!
The script worked well.
Maybe it is interesting to learn a bit Python too.
This solution is not realtime, but it works for me. Than i start with hightmarks i will klick before i start on play.
How can i install your plugin/addon/python to have it in my Blender files?

You can just copy that script into the text editor in your blender file and run it in the same way.

If you wanted to learn more python, you can look into converting into an addon:

Here is another post with some good info on getting the script to run more dynamically: