Interface illisible (couleurs inappropriées, polices trop petites)

Je découvre Blender.
Hélas, à la première ouverture les menus sont illisibles: caractères trop petits et couleurs mal assorties (bleu foncé sur fond gris).
Je voudrais bien changer ça, mais je ne sais pas où aller, puisque je ne peux pas lire…

Capture d’écran_2024-03-28_08-05-42

Je suis sous Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon, et ma version de Blender semble être la V3.0.
Merci pour vos conseils

You can change it from the environment setting to a preset UI.

Hi, take a look also at Resolution Scale (in Edit>Preferences>Interface tab).

Welcome :tada:

Good morning,
I discovered Blender.
Unfortunately, when you first open the menus, they are illegible: characters too small and colors mismatched (dark blue on a gray background).
I would like to change that, but I don’t know where to go, since I can’t read…

This is not the default theme… like for example shown in the docs.blender manual latest interface window_system introduction …so i don’t knwo how this could happen. You may have to reset to factory settings ( File → Defaults → Load Factory Settings ) or delete the USER directory: docs.blender manual latest advanced blender_directory_layout

Also: you reach more users in this english writing community by using english… :wink:

Oui, merci beaucoup! J’ai supprimé la V3 et ai téléchargé la V4.1.
Pas pensé à l’anglais, simple réflexe mais c’est une bonne idée.

My most fluent french sentence is: je ne parlez pas francaise :wink:
But in fact i understood the last post without using my french dictionary.

( I’m also not an english native speaking person and i have even some dictionary and grammar books … from the “old days” when nobody carried around a little computer in school :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )