Cycles va inlocui blender internal la anu` sau in vara anului viitor slabe sanse anul acesta. Cycles este in stadiu alpha ceea ce inseamna ca mai are cel putin un an pana la maturitate faptul ca a fost pust in atentie asa devreme este pentru ca are nevoie de dezvoltatori lucru care se si cauta dupa ce se finalizeaza baza “alpha”. Cel mai probabil dupa iulie-august (siggraph) se va integra B-MESH
(N-GONS) , freestyle , nurbs , ocean sim , optimizare par, camera tracking, 3D mouse, tablet input, …este o lista sa de mare care asteapta sa fie inegrate ca o sa cam dureze destul.
Cel mai probabil va fi inegrat B-MESH si odata cu el vor aparea si developeri noi.
This a superlative piece of work and really shows off the BI (which is actually very capable of turning out photo-real stuff, albeit with a bit of work).
My only criticism is that the table needs bump-mapping as per the source shot, and more geometry.
A suggestion is to make the chairs’ meshes a little less perfect, as per the source shot, where the seats of the chairs - especially the one nearest to the camera - are clearly not perfectly flat.
Sure, I know it takes time and it won’t happen for some time. But maybe it won’t replace it, leaving BI as well as an option. To completely replace it, Cycles must be as easy and fast and well integrated with the rest of Blender, is that the promise? I wonder how things will evolve. I think there are still people out there using Blender 2.49