Hi, this is my first serious attempt to render an interior using Blender Internal.
It is a practice render - replicating an interior design photograph, not my design. It proved to be very good practice.
You can find more details on this here.
Feedback wanted! Thanks
nice! the reflection of the block at the end of the table is looking a bit weird. you could make it softer (turn down the gloss amount).
but it’s a really good job especially on the modeling (where i fail all the time).
Very nice render considering it’s blender internal!
Oanav, your picture is really well done! Bravo!
We all know that with interior renders lighting is challenging and I thank you for showing something of the lighting process.
This is the kind of pictures that make me wonder why so much people relies on external render engines, with all the hassles (in particular on materials).
Blender is much more capable than many think.
Thank you for the replies!
@diabolix: that reflection doesen’t look so well and it kind of draws the eye in a bad way, thanks for pointing it out. I am usually bad at modelling details (especially organic shaped ones) but replicating a photo kept me on track and urged me to fill the scene.
@Carrozza: I wonder about it too as I find it is the most efficient use of Blender and Blender’s materials etc. Maybe people don’t know how much blender internal has improved in time and are sidetracked by everybody saying “for interior renders you must use an external render of course”. Or maybe people like experimenting different renderers. When I have seen good work done with BI I have felt encouraged to try it further.
looks great.maybe for the wood of tabletop,you can use a bw contasty version of wood texture in the reflection slot to create varying reflection.and thanks for the lighting details.
Great lighting! Can you show the lighting setup?
very nice image/model, the grass or whatever is behind the glass looks funny.
Thanks! I will work some more on the table first I get a chance, it’s good to have feedback!
@stuart.t: good funny or weird funny? it’s some kind of tall grass
Many think that the internal is only used in scenes like this in the first days rsrsrs Congratulations, you did a great job!
wow, amazing interior scene!
First look, i thought LUX RENDER / CYCLES, but when I read INTERNAL… wow!
Oanav, just wanted to let you know that comments in your blog don’t work for me.
Tried to comment on two different articles without success: the website keeps asking captcha code again and again.
Thank you for this input! That code is terrible I will try to change it today
And thanks for trying to comment on the blog, sorry for the problem
Reflexia pe masa este putin cam ridicata , bate catre oglinda cam mult avand in vedere ca lacul nu are atat de mare reflexia si suprafata lemnului nu este atat de “clara”. In rest alte detalii sunt oarecum limitari ale renderatorului blender intern , oarecum ar arata mai bine scena renderata cu Luxrender.
De adaugat ca sunt vizible erori de AA la marginile scaunelor. In general in realitate majoritatea obiectelor ce sunt la 1 metru de un om sunt afectate de ceea ce se numeste distorsiune a vederii umane adica o marja de “ceata” (blur) de unde si ideea ca majoritatea semenelor de circulatie sunt relativ mari. Doar intr-o condtie de soare foarte mare o linie este perfecta. Acest lucru este simulat in 3D de functia Dept Of Field fara de care nicio camera foto profesionala nu poate fi denumita DSLR si Professional…
De preferat dupa renderare sa folosesti “compositor nodes” pentru corectare culori , contrast , DOF , si blur si motion blur la animatii. (in realitate miscare are intodeauna blur , este efect secundar al ochilor cu care vedem selectiv).
Multumesc Numarul 7 placut sa gasesc un comentariu surpriza in romana, o sa raspund totusi in limba forumului ca sa mentin discutia deschisa
You are right about the lack of DOF, it would add so much realism. I intended to use the compositor but I’m still getting stuck in it, must experiment more! I had worked a bit longer than planned on this so at the end after crocheting a bit the compositor threads I gave up and put it in Gimp to make a few edits there. Including a bit of sharpen that might have enhanced the AA jagged edges. I had a problem with banding on some objects and had set AA to 16 samples but didn’t seem to help much. I will make a render with DOF when I get to it.
My point about using Internal render instead of other more realistic render engines is not about trying to prove Internal can get similar or better images which is pointless, sure you can achieve greater realism with luxrender especially if you know the software well. For me it’s a problem of efficiency, I want to clarify (for myself and others who asked me this) if Blender can REALLY be used for arch viz work. I also don’t have a lot of time. The process in which you model in Blender then render in Luxrender is a bit painful right now. Imagine a client asking a different chair model in the scene two hours before deadline. From what I tried, Blender internal is best right now for such needs: simple work flow, easy to make quick changes, blender materials, no need to have all textures uv mapped etc. On my computer the image above 1500x1500 renders in less 20minutes with high settings for passes, AA… I would also like to prepare an object database complete with materials ready to use but at this point should I use lux materials? What if next month development in Blender or lux make it a problem? At this point Internal Blender works best for me but sure I’m waiting to see some seamless integration for an external renderer or the development of Cycles. I am looking at Octane also (should upgrade computer first) etc but for now it’s OK like this. Exteriors renders are even better and easier with BI, I will be working next on a practice exterior render to add to my gallery.
Thanks for the detailed critique an technical input!
Oanav, thanks for switching language, I am not sure I understood 100% of last posts… :o
I feel kind of strange reading what you wrote because I couldn’t agree more and couldn’t spell it better. I also agree with your “one software man” idea; time is limited, whether you are an hobbyist or professionist, and creating a detailed scene is such a long process. Blender Internal can be so powerful and the 3D workflow is so smooth with it.
As a side note I added Blender Mama feed to Google Reader, so I’ll be definitely following your articles with interest.
Keep it up, mate!
wow. that is just amazing sir. very inspiring. this is gallery stuff
dank cool…i love this…:eyebrowlift:
You know, I’ve been in the middle of a new project (which looks pretty fantastic in Internal) lately, and I’ve been screwing around a lot with the latest Yafaray, Lux, and Cycles builds, but having a terrible time with them. I really wanted to try a “better” renderer since some of the Blender Foundation coding guys started talking about Cycles and how “outdated” Internal is.
I just want a modernized renderer that produces the most lifelike and photorealistic animations possible.
However, none of that stuff works well any of the time, and it’s ALL confusing and slow and (I think) needlessly complicated. Making animation with this stuff would be a bear. And it doesn’t play well with others.
Then I saw your render.
Screw the externals. I’m sticking with good ol’ fashioned plain Blender Internal.
(until the BF coders come out with an updated one…)
Thanks, I’m feeling really good right now with all the great comments
Actually I had just started on this scene when Cycles was announced and things like outdated internal render and cycles replacing it soon were said and it almost made me drop it. Anyway I was confused for a while, then I tested cycles and of course I thought it cool and wanted to see more but I have no ideea how this could replace BI anytime soon.