[Interior renders] Any advice for making it more photorealistic?

Hi all, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make my renderings much much more photo realistic but I’m not exactly sure how.

Would appreciate any advice given!

I think this image is already pretty cool :+1:

However, there’s a few things odd in your render

First thing I’ve noticed is the light of the sun, or more his colour, it’s maybe too white, the sun always have a kind of yellowish tone, as shown in my exemple.

Also, maybe more contrast would be better to show this kind of room.

It’s a touch that I really like, but adding some suddle dust overlay in post really add for the atmosphere, but it’s purely personal preference.

I’ve also added an example with a vignette, don’t know quite if it’s better with or without

Without the vignette

with the vignette

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The sun have a yellowish tint IF you set your white balance that way. But yeah on a sunny day the rest of the sky is blue, so compared to the shadowy area the sun light will look yellowish :slight_smile: But interiors behave a bit differently since less of the blue sky lights up the room, and if it’s also very cloudy outside with the sun peaking through some clouds and you set your white balance accordingly it would look pretty much like in his renders :slight_smile:
Do like the rest of your suggestions though!

My suggestion is to add some glow/glare. maybe not a lot, but there will always be some of it on brighter spots even with the most fancy cameras and lenses irl.


Hmmm the only thing not in orthogonal order is the newspaper and the branches…(?) and the triple blade ventilator… but this may be a personal preference… okay maybe the donkey on the left and the horse on the right… :wink:


Thanks alot for the editing tips!

I see, i’ll see if I can learn to do that lol

What do you mean by orthogonal order lol. Googled the meaning and still didn’t understood it lmao.

Everyhing arranged in an rectangluar way… (From math; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonality). Making it somekind of uninhabited, clinical, aseptic, like a furniture store exhibition, ikea-listic (just invented this one). Okay the last one is wrong; their renders are cheaper in production than building a real rooms.

And now i’m thinking of my several room projects and every time i quit because of the render time of my unrealistic materials… So this was more a suggestion about makeing the scene more true-to-life… the realistic approch of the render is nice/awesome… (…at least for me).