Interior Visualization for @juljetta666

Hello guys. There is my First project on If anyone can give me some advices plz
do not be silent.


Impressive, beautiful!


Hello, it is very satisfied to see artwork like this, because I really like this color palette :upside_down_face: congratulation! I also like all renderings with one key visual.
Please share shader nodes for white curtain. It is great and eye catching.


HEEEEEY! Thank you. Very pleased to hear this from PRO like you :slight_smile: I saw ur work on BlenderNation. :slight_smile:
There is very simple nodes of white curtain and opacity map :slight_smile:

Yeah :smiley:


Simply solutions are the best, thank you! :wink:

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Hi Denis,

Very nice! Makes you want to move there.

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Привет! Крутая работа! Русские любят критиковать) А я нубас, так что ничего не напишу) Спасибо за материал шторок, очень клевый сетап.

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Кстати, попробуй этот мат для растений. Листики всякие. Думаю, и бутоны можно им. Это вместо критики)

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Спасибо большое, в следующей работе попробую :slight_smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Whoops, I forgot to add the link!

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You’re #featured! :tada:

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Your work is just wonderful!!!

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WOW! Thank you :smiley:
I am very pleased to hear that :wink:

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Great work! I was wondering if you used any type of denoising? How many samples did you use?

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Hello! Thank you :slight_smile:
I used compositing denoiser, 7 scenes with 3k samples. And hall (last 3 scenes) made with 2k samples :open_mouth:

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The lighting in the kitchen is superb!

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If someone is interested, then you can follow this link and read an article about the creation of this project. :slight_smile: