Interpolated meshes using two parent meshes with same topology

i’m new to geo nodes and trying make a custom modifier in geo nodes for creating some customized shell based fur.
i’ve attached an image for what I’m trying to get.

basically I want to use two objects with same topoloogy and create interpolated instances between them. the shapes of the instances also gets interpolated depending on the shape changes in the parent meshes .
any help is appreciated

Also…it it also possible to interpolate attributes like vertex colors too

Like this?

Note: It only works if the indexes are the same on both target objects (so every vertex “knows” where to go)

2024-04-01_interpolate_meshes_GN.blend (812.0 KB)


Man this is great, Thanks brother, this is gonna help out a lot.
just another question, what will you recommend to do if i were to also interpolate between 2 vertex colors filled in both meshes(considering the inner one is black and the outermost is white) ??

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Ups! I forgot about that :sweat_smile:
This should work…

New version
2024-04-01_interpolate_position_and_colors_ver2.blend (877.7 KB)

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Absolute Legend :moyai: :moyai: :moyai:

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