Into Pixels - Blender fantasy LITRPG short film update

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to give an update on my fantasy short film Into Pixels.

Currently I’m in the layout and look development stage.

Here’s a video of the first minute of the animatic and layout side by side.

I’ve been documenting my process on YouTube. Where I’ve shared a few ideas on scriptwriting, storyboarding and layouts see here.

Hopefully it will inspire some of you to try a larger project.

Visual Look development:
I have a massive mood board that I keep adding to which I also shared in a live stream. This will inform the design of the characters and background art.

I love all forms of animation my current plan is to use a mix of traditional and motion tracked content. It would be great to have my own rokoko suit but currently not in the budget!

Final Thoughts:
What I find hard is making progress on my short while trying to balance freelance work but that is life! Would be keen to hear any feedback from folks on the layout done so far.

Until next time!

P.S If you want to follow and readings your thing you can check out my website


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