Into the Void - Trailer

Forgotten tales at the edge of the world…

A few animated vignettes of my Into the Void project. The idea was initially to create a few exploratory images combining my passion for brutalist architecture, with a retro steam-punk aesthetic. These quick environment explorations eventually turned into a mini trailer. I may expand this into a longer short-film in the future. The title’s motion graphics obviously referencing Stranger Things. The base character is by Albin Merle from CG Trader, with a a few kit-bash modifications on top + flame thrower from Sketchfab. Sound effects are from Standing Wave and Film Crux.




Congrats. :+1:


You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Where can I watch the show? :smiley:

Thanks Bart!

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Right now its just a trailer, but I hope to expand it into a longer mini-film!

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