Introducing myself and my new Second Life Avatar

I am new to his forum, so I am going to upload a few images. My chance to brag I guess. Although my achievements pale to what most of these other artist have done. I have been making a custom mesh avatar for use in Second Life. I get off easy since I do not need to do lighting etc, and allow my mesh to render in-world.
These examples used the in-world armature controls to adjust the dimensions of the bodies in these photos, and used the in-world texture editing features to to adjust shading, reflection, bumps, etc - all applied to my original textures. All the back grounds are part of the in-world environment. I’ve actually done very few renders inside BLENDER. I’ve made both the female body and the clothes. These images are ones I’ve already prepared for the in world marketplace - hope you don’t mind.

Good Lord her back must be in so much pain :wink:

Good work man, why does the chin look a bit weird ?

Very nice and unusual work here. I too worry about her back muscles, but I guess in VR such things don’t matter. Anyway welcome to the forum and I shall watch this with interest.

Cheers, Clock :mantelpiece_clock::beers:

Uh-oh, I think I’ll start appreciating this second life thing… :open_mouth: