Introducing the Trespasser game community


I’ve recently made the jump to RedHat but I couldn’t have done it alone. There is an excellent Linux forum at where I learnt how to get my system up and running. There one chap (“DapperDan”) has helped me immensely. At one point I mentioned Blender being the greatest open source software ever and gave a link :smiley:

It turned out that DapperDan was interested in Blender as a game modeller for the game “Trespasser”. It is an old game (1998) base on Jurassic Park (I for one love all things Michael Chrichton). This post is on his belhalf.

I think Blender needs all the exposure it can get and I’m sure Blender’s game developers realise that gameplay is the most important thing, not how old a game is ( Blender’s game engine isn’t exactly going to complete with HL2’s Source engine is it :wink: )

So, if anyone is interested, check out where all the Trespasser fans hang out. Here is the post most relevant to Blender users:

I’m sure some Blenderheads will be interested in doing some dino modelling and other things (EnV comes to mind :slight_smile: ) to see the Trespasser community bring it to life.


130 views and no posts.

So…there is no interest then?


it sounds interesting,…i would give you a dino if i had one.