Inverted Texture

Recently I started using Blender for the first time (it’s the first time I’ve ever done 3D modelling at all). When I try to make a texture for the mesh half of the muzzle is inverted (the texture appears inside the mesh) and on the other half of the muzzle it appears correctly (screenshots below). I’m not sure how to fix this (I haven’t started making the texture due to this issue).

Inverted Texture

Correct Side

Remove any faces inside your object
Remove any double vertices (select all vertices then W / remove doubles)
Recalculate face normals (select all vertices and Ctrl+N)
Flip selected faces with W / Flip Normals. You can turn on the display of normals in the properties panel (N) while in edit mode

Thanks, I figured it out (had to do that flip normals thing).