Invitation for training in Open Source Multimedia Instruments

Hi everybody,
I want to inform you about TOSMI – an open source CGI and multimedia training for professionals organized by InterSpace. The 2008 training will cover the fields of 3D CGI, post-production, animation and special effects, media content for the web, web TV and e-marketing. The training is mainly based on open source software and provides skills in innovative and efficient tools and distribution channels allowing for achieving quality production and/or education process at low expenses.
In 2008 the training will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece) and Sofia (Bulgaria) and will be available in three sessions:

General Blender techniques, tips and tricks
Media content for the web, e-Marketing, streaming techniques
Advanced Blender techniques, external rendering engines, Python scripting

Deadline for enrollment is 10th of April.
Each session has a participation fee of 1000 Euro. Scholarships will be available.
To learn more about the program, methodology, software included and trainers, visit:
For more information feel free to contact at [email protected]

This invitation is for people from European Union and some West Europe countries not part of EU. I hope to find some here :slight_smile: