Irina (Nudity)

Ah right ok, well it looks pretty darn good if you ask me! Great work here :smiley:

Bueno, pues entonces puedo soltarme y escribirte todo en español. Sobre las tildes, no te preocupes, yo soy un desastre, es verdad que a veces hay que mirar el contexto para entender algunas palabras que no tienen la tilde, pero no pasa nada, que eso no te limite! (yo escribo en tres idiomas, Español, Portugués e Ingles, así que tengo en el navegador, los tres diccionarios para el corrector ortográfico. y cambio de corrector según el idioma.)

En la pose no consigo ver que tenga frío. Tal vez subir un poco los dos hombros, juntar los codos al cuerpo, y pegar una rodilla a la otra. Entiendo lo que dices de no forzar las poses para que parezcan de revista “sexy” pero si lo que buscas es frío, ahora mismo no lo parece.
Bueno, espero que entiendas esta parrafada.

Thank you very much, peter18. :slight_smile:

Muy Logrado, Tonatiuh. ¿Por que Portugues? ¿Tienes familia en Portugal o America del Sur?
Sobre la pose, entiendo lo que dices. Pero me gusta como es. Tendras que soportarlo. jeje :smiley:

Anyway, I did some handy work. Sorry, I couldn’t resist!
I’m getting to the point in the project where it’s gonna be pretty ZBrush heavy, unless I decide to start work on the hair in Blender, which I’m pretty excited about.

Very handy!!! Como va el proyecto! muestranos algo mas!

Aquí está más, Amigo!

I got myself into a pretty hairy situation. (I’m sorry, I can’t help that I’m such a big dork! :eyebrowlift:) Seriously though, I couldn’t imagine being the poor chaps that had to create the hair for Disney’s Tangled. Long hair is a real pain in the ass. I still have some more tweaking to do, but I’m pretty happy with what I have so far.

By the way, can anyone tell me why the render blows up with fireflies if I change the Cycles hair primitive from line segment to curve? I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m using 3 hair BSDFs and some technical jargon I read about the hair BSDF using a transparency BSDF under the hood, because turning transparency bounces to 0 clears the fireflies. It also makes the hair look terrible.
Anyway, the easy fix was to up the steps in the main hair render tab and check B-Spline, but I’d still like to know what the deal is with the curve segments.

Long hair is a pain in the ass I agree, but it’s looking pretty good for now. The ends stick together strangely, maybe a transparency gradient which makes the very end of the hair invisible would help. I’ve no idea about the fireflies.
You can add a few single escaping “messy” hairs, because especially the top of the head looks too clean now. Like here I hope you understand what I mean. This one was good inspiration for me when I modelled a long hair girl, but perhaps you know it already.

Great idea on adding transparency to the tips, Ania! I was having trouble with that. The clumping shape either made the locks of hair too narrow, or the tips look odd. I decided tips looking odd was the lesser of the two evils, but your idea did the trick.

And you’re right about the stray hairs. That’ll be next on my list.

I’m still here. Making slow progress. I’ve been getting extremely frustrated with the shape of the hair. I’m not trying to match the reference exactly, but I can’t seem to capture the same… I can’t find the word. Expressiveness? It feels like it lacks dimension.

Anyway, at this point I’ve completely redone the hair 3 times. I think it’s time I retire the hair for now and work on another part of the project. I might pull my own hair out if I have to comb another guide hair right now!
I might just decide to paint over what I have to capture the feeling I want.

By the way, the head and sweater look a little off because they are smoothed low poly meshes. I didn’t feel like messing with normal map baking from the high res meshes.

Hair looks pretty darn good to me! Excellent work :smiley:

Thanks peter18! And I swear I’m not trying to come off like I’m humble bragging or anything. I know I’m not Frank Tzeng. haha
The hair looks like hair, it just doesn’t look like the hair I want, if that makes any sense. :slight_smile:

Man! tienes que arreglar esa cara! Por ahora lo peor con diferencia, es la nariz, es muy diferente a la de ella, tiene mas planificado el borde entre la punta de la nariz, y las narinas. echale un ojo a la glabela, la unión entre el frontal y los huesos nasales, no esta bien colocado. El angulo externo del ojo tambien hay que tocarlo, y tal vez el tamaño del iris y la pupila, para que parezca el ojo mas relajado, como el de la referencia. La original tiene menos grasa encima de los parpados. El menton tambien esta un poco diferente.

Tonatiuh, siempre agradezco tus comentarios, pero dije que es la versión de polígono baja. La versión detallada es de zBrush, y tiene una longitud focal de cámara diferente. :slight_smile:

Tienes razón sobre la nariz, sin embargo. Necesito un poco más pequeño!

Ok, esperaré a ver la versión mas detallada entonces. Aun asi, cuida la forma de la narina, y el tamaño de la aleta de la nariz.

Fijé la forma de la nariz. También hice la pupila del ojo más pequeña. ¡Gracias!

Here is my first detail pass. I’ll be doing a second pass here next. It needs to be far rougher. You’d be surprised how incredibly rough the human face is. It all just get’s washed out by the translucency of skin.
And the sculpted eyebrows are just a quick placeholder. I’ll be using hair particles for the brows, lashes, and possibly the fine peach fuzz on her cheeks.

By the way, I know the eyelids need to be slightly relaxed, but the lack of eyelashes also makes the expression look more surprised.

I should have done this a long time ago. Setting up the composition is usually the first thing I do when starting a project, but I just got so excited about modeling the subject, I didn’t even have an end goal until now.

I’ll work on making the warm light look less incandescent and more like morning sunshine, but for now it’s just showing you where the warm/cool gradient is.


The hair looked much better in #28, it was almost perfect there, now it’s too wide and big and makes the head look very heavy.

I like the composition, I already can imagine the picture.
Rimlight on the girl’s hair from the warm background sun will look just great.
I don’t know if it’s intentional, but the background looks a bit foggy - I would go with that, add some small particles of dust floating in the air, lit by sunshine (that can be done in post).

I think darkening and intensifying the blue cold front part will do it good.
I’m not sure about the camera angle, the tilted door frames look a bit off balance, try tilting the camera slightly to make the door exactly parallel to the image border.

Shift the background wall. Now the vertical relief looks like hanging from her fingers.

Hand! They seem very small… Or she has a huge head!
Las manos! Parecen muy pequeñas, eso, o tiene la cabeza enorme

Hey folks. I’m back from a bit of a vacation.

Ania, I reverted back to the old hair. I’m still playing around with the settings with each render to see if I can improve it. My intention is to keep that overall shape, but give it a little mess as though she just woke up.
Thanks for all the feedback.

Tonatiuh, jeje Tambien me di cuenta de oso. Creo que podria ser una ilusión óptica. El cabello y el suéter grandes la hacen pesada en la parte superior. Pero a pesar de todo, cambié las proporciones.

It’s really night and day if you flip between this and the last one.

In did! What a change! Impresionante el avance entre esta ultima imagen y la otra.
Still I think the hand can be just a little biger, I compare it woth the nose, it may be the perspective.
Pienso que las manos siguen estando pequeñas, yo las comparo con la nariz, el pulgar y la nariz. Pero puede ser un efecto de la perspectiva.
Anyhow huge improvement, now show us the face! I love to see how are you doing in that front!

Gracias amigo. I checked the proportions of the hands, and they seem to be correct. I do see what you’re saying though. I think if I rotate the backs of the hands towards the camera a bit, they wont look so small. seeing them edge on might be part of the problem.

I haven’t done any more work on the face since post #34. I like to jump around a lot on my projects. I did, however, do some more lighting and texturing on the room.