Irina (Nudity)

Man! I don’t know if I love you or I hate you! it is starting to look very very nice!!! I just wish that the cloth let some light in, to kinda see something hehe

Haha Thanks man! Much appreciated. I just wish I had your patience when i comes to the very fine detail work. Mine is ok with a bit of distance, but reality shatters on very close up shots.

The lighting will improve on final render with more samples, higher resolution, and color/brightness balancing.

So for the most part, I’m finished with ZBrush. I have a few minor touch ups, but I’m pretty much ready to start baking normals and getting her ready for painting. I still have to unwrap the UVs, yay!

Hi Res Front View

Please please! Take good references of legs and make them more realistic! Please please! Don’t stop now!

About the hand size, you should try make them slightly bigger and see if it looks better (from the camera angle). Even if they are anatomically too big then, it’s more important that they look good in the picture. Caravaggio faked hand sizes too to make them look better :wink:

Tonatiuh, geez buddy! You make it sound like they are horribly deformed. lol

I’m probably just too close to this, but I’m not seeing what you guys are seeing on the legs and hands. I’d much appreciate it if you could elaborate. :slight_smile:

Really liking that wall moulding and wood texture! I can tell this one will be awesome when you’re done

Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Hands look fine to me aswell. Maybe legs turn inside a little too much, but look fine to me.

Well… Usually in woman’s legs you can see the tibial crees and the tibial musculature. Also some of the peroneal bone should be visible. The calcaneous bone is… Well… Hehe, and also the knee… There is no tibia or tendons around! Also around the patelar tendom ther is no fat in your model… She is using the triceps sural, and there are no tension at all in that muscles. No tendons are show in the dorsal part of the foot… Hard to explain all in english. But if you look at referes you will see. But it can be just me :wink:

Some references:

In all that references you can see a lot of landmarks that you missed. So, yes, you can go much more realistic. and sexy, the line of the anterior tibial muscle is soooo sexy! also if you put the sartorius muscle (just a little) it is also really sexy, because it separate the muscles that make the aproximation of the leg, from the quadriceps… so you know…
So please please go more realistic in the legs!!!

Mir, thanks man!

peter18, thank you. You know, I did actually turn the legs in a little more than I originally wanted. I had to compromise on this because you otherwise couldn’t tell she was standing on her toes. Instead it just looked like she had freakishly long feet.

Tonatiuh… sigh You’re right. haha Here I was ready to throw in the towel and say “good enough”, so thank you for keeping me on task. You’ve been following me from the very beginning and you even suffered through my very poor Spanish, so I feel like you have some say in the direction of the project. lol

…Besides, according to your Artstation, you’re the osteopath so I’m not about to argue with you on anatomy. :smiley:

Dude I just had a womans (non cg) uncensored vagina up at my workplace. Please someone edit the post above that is really NSFW

LOL Honestly, I did the same thing today at work. Luckily nobody saw. To be fair though, I do have the thread titled with (nudity).

Still pretty funny, though. :smiley: Did you get any reactions from co-workers?

Man sorry I was not thinking on that… Sorry

This project is inspiring. Excellent work.

The only thing I can contribute would be to make her nose a little thinner. But you are OBVIOUSLY doing spectacular work!

Yes… I know a little of anatomy lol, but hey you have to see if you want all the realism yo can get or not. If I have some say… Hehehe, go for it! Make of this a nice anatomy study! :wink:

By the way, you can check her legs here, the light don’t help to see the anatomy, but you can see a lot of volumes.

Tonatiuh, I was just very surprised to see it here, I did a double take haha

cgCody, thankfully no one saw anything…I’m curious about your lighting setup. Can you please share what you’ve done? I like it

scifieric, thanks buddy! :slight_smile:

Tonatiuh, anatomy study never hurts with sculpting I suppose. I’m actually thinking about picking up the 12" male and female figures from Pricey, but I’ve always wanted them.

Mir, sure can! I love to discuss lighting. It’s one of my favorite subjects.
The key and back lights are portals for environment lighting. The HDR is at sunrise. That time of day has the best contrast between warm and cool light, but the direct sunlight is very shallow. So to get that warm sunspot on the ground, I actually rolled the environment map about 20deg counter clockwise from the cameras perspective.

The fill lights use blackbody nodes for their color. Cool fill is at 8000k, and warm is at 3000k. I always try to be physically accurate where I can. I like to imagine the scene as a real film set; How would they light this scene?; What temperature ranges can studio lights reproduce?; Etc

Once Irina is painted and has a proper materiel setup, the lighting will likely change again.

Cheers, guys!

Well they are in did pricey! But the look very good!
Man… You really thought the lighting! Are you using filmic blender? It seam it is worth it.