Irina (Nudity)

Yes I’m using Filmic. It’s more than just worth it. I’d say it’s essential. The sRGB color space is just too narrow a gamut, while Filmic is like working in RAW.

So I decided to take my anatomy study one step further. I did some quick (and messy) painting over the model to show the muscle groups. It was good practice because I haven’t kept up with anatomy since I took life drawing in college 10 years ago. I think after this project, I’m going to do an actual sculpt of the entire musculature system.

Now I’ll us this as a guide to go in and block some of those forms out.

Now I know! I hate you! Hahaha really nice workflow! Lets see what you make of it!

No way!!! come back!!!
No nos dejes asi!!! a medias! tienes que terminar esto y enseñarnoslo por todo lo alto!

Jeje. Estoy aquí, amigo.

After my last post, I went out of town and unplugged from electronics for a bit. THEN Horizon Zero Dawn came out, which completely dominated my free time. THEN I’ve been hanging out with various friends and family all week on account of my birthday.

And now today, on my actual day of birth, I have only 2 things on my agenda: Turning 30, and putting some more work into this project.

Stay tuned! :slight_smile:

Felíz cumpleaños! 30 is a nice number! Felicidaded!
Now back to work! hahaha

Felizidad? More like Feliz-y-bald. :smiley:

I’ve been working on texture painting.

Here’s an orthographic view of the face.

I also made some changes to the pose.
The samples are low, but I kinda like it. A photo taken in these lighting conditions would be pretty grainy.

Hola! wow, just wow jeje.
Some critics: you can see things not related to symmetry, just general things. And please! do something about the eyelashes (look at the references!)

Also, the floor has too many bump, it looks like old leather or a plastic floor that looks like wood but not.
Did you put the light that way so the eyes goes straight to the panty???

Esta quedando espectacular!!!

This entire thread is incredible. This is exactly the sort of thing I want to learn how to do! When you make a finished render, I just might make it my phone background!

Me too! The learn part

Siah Sargus. Thank ya kindly, sir! :slight_smile:

Tonatiuh, Always nice to have your comments. You are right about the eyelashes and the ground. They do need to be fixed.
As for the facial features; We discussed this in post #32, mi amigo! :smiley:
The render is orthographic. The photo has a 45mm focal length and different lighting. At any rate, my original intention was to match her perfectly, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that isn’t much fun. I don’t want to be technically constrained. I’m taking the artistic approach of trying to capture the essence of Irina, but allowing myself to be loose with the forms.

Did you put the light that way so the eyes goes straight to the panty???

The answer is yes. :smiley: Everyone likes to model these perfect, busty vixens. I’ve always found that cliche. As a result, I’ve always tried to stay modest with my work. But if I’m being honest with myself, my inspiration for this project is that I find Irina sexy. I’m not going to be coy about it; Sexy is what I’m going for! lol

Ok, enough rambling. I want her face to receive more light, so I’m playing with the idea of putting her hair behind her right ear. What do you think? Worth reworking the hair?

Well then at least the eye placement of the pupil and the iris… The way it is now looks like she is scared… Now that I say it… Maybe is what you want.
I love the idea of seen the ear, but then they need son more anatomical love, rigth now they are… Mejorables :wink:

Really nice to see how much love and though you put in your work!

Como dicen en Mexico: Andale! Andale! Vamos amigo!

You do need more (or different) light at the face, but maybe better by playing with some subtle extra lamps around the face, not by changing the hair (at least, not by changing the hair alone). Also I think the light on the face is currently too intensly yellow, it should be cooler.
The shadow of the hair which hits the face and neck is too hard, shadow of the nose is also too hard. It’s not lit by direct light, but (I suppose) by bouncing light from the walls, plus perhaps some light from the sky through the window (and any lamp which fakes those), so it should be very soft.

You write you like the samples. I think they are too much, for a test render it’s ok, but I would definitely put more samples for the final render. Looks like very cheep camera otherwise.

Tonatiuh, something was definitely off about the eyes. It took me a while to figure it out. In the above renders, she is looking straight ahead, but looking DOWN at the camera low to the ground. Kinda looked like a scene out of the Blair Witch Project. :smiley: 7 degrees of head tilt towards the camera was all it took to relax the face.

As for the ear… I was afraid of that. Maybe I should cover it back up because soy muy flojo! Jeje
I also completely changed the floor texture. Still needs work.

Really nice to see how much love and though you put in your work!

Como dicen en Mexico: Andale! Andale! Vamos amigo!

Gracias por las amables palabras!
And I know, I know. I’m a procrastinator.
As they say in the USA: Never put off for tomorrow… what you could put off until the day after tomorrow. At least that’s how my version goes. :stuck_out_tongue:
Ania, I did play with the lighting a bit. Added a few more lights, and also pushed Irina back into the sunlight a bit more. You might notice a shadow on the wall behind her now. I’ll kill that in post after final render.
And her face did indeed look a little yellow. It’s improved a bit now, but I will be color/value balancing in post anyway.

As for samples, of course. It was just a passing observation on my part. My test renders have been with 1400 samples at 1680x2400px, then scaled down and heavily compressed for uploading. On final render, I’ll likely crank it up to about 6k samples (which will half the noise) and fake the film grain in post. :slight_smile:
EDIT 1: And before anyone says it, I know the lips and eyelids are too pink. The red in the texture is combining with the SSS and causing it to become really intense. Lips are tricky, but I’ll fix it.

EDIT 2: Speaking of andale, what are you two doing?! I do pay attention you know, and both of you have projects that need some love and attention! Vamos! :smiley:

Anyway, that’s about enough yammering from me. Here’s the latest render, and thanks again for your input, guys!

Yes… I’m not very 3d active right now… I started Crossfit 3 weeks ago, and It just kills me… is hard… haha But I definitely coming back some day.

Floor just improve a lot, but man!!! it is too dirty haha
Speaking on dirty, she looks like she is showing… you know, not covering… I don’t know… it may be my dirty mind

Excuses! No, I’m joking. That’s good. Healthy body means healthy mind which leads to awesome art.

Maybe it’s supposed to be dirty. Maybe that’s really why she’s on her toes. And she’s “showing” to manipulate you into mopping the floors! :smiley:

Well man… She can ask me anything at this point!

That’s just the testosterone speaking from your CrossFit workouts. :smiley: lol

Anyway, not really a progress update, but I shared one of my render pass tests on another discussion about samples and thought I’d share it for anyone curious about such things. I use render passes to check for problem areas with my lights and materials.

Smallish update. I replaced the temp hair mesh with actual hair. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, though I think I want to make it a bit thicker.

I spent a lot of time doing some behind the scenes stuff. I’ve broken the scene into render layers and dialed in the branched path sample settings. Now I can easily go in and make changes on Irina without having to rerender the room.

Here’s a render without focal blur, without the volume scatter pass, and with just sub-surface scattering on Irina (I’m working on refining the skin).

Man!! I just don’t have any critic… you just are going to other level hehe

I’m calling this one done. I could keep on going forever, but I’m happy with it.
Final render is in the finished projects forum.

Thanks again for everyone’s insight and encouragement, especially you, Tonatiuh! :slight_smile: