Hello everybody, this is my medal “Iron Cross” from my old World War II Medal Collection.
Render: Blender Internal.
(NOTE: The Material Above is only for artistic purpose and doesn’t refer to any political view or Propagnda)
Hello everybody, this is my medal “Iron Cross” from my old World War II Medal Collection.
Render: Blender Internal.
(NOTE: The Material Above is only for artistic purpose and doesn’t refer to any political view or Propagnda)
I like it. I think we can all agree that Hitlers reign was one of the most horrific of world history, however, he was a wartime / strategy genius. Almost a savant. Socially disconnected, ignorant and bigotting, yet it took a full 15 nations to take him down, even then, we only divided Germany. The stories of WWII always fascinate me…
The ribbon is absolutely beautiful. Both the modeling and lighting are brilliant. I think perhaps there needs to be a higher subsurf on the medal its self…
Great work.
And… I have to follow your lead on this one. My comment above doesn’t reflect any political view. I was only stating an observation based on actual historical events.
I’ve totally agree with your observation and no one can deny this truth; about the medal it doesn’t need any further additional subsurf on it and these small dark lines on each side of the medal are not from medal “low” polygons, it’s from reflections.
Oh, IC… well then, they are supposed to be there, don’t do a thing XD… SEE, here I was telling you it was perfect from the beginning and your jumping to “TO SUBSURF OR NOT TO SUBSURF!” But im telling you, ITS FINE BRO! LOL
Good work man. You said this was from a collection? If so, it would be very interesting to see models from other medals in the collection. If it is a large collection, than certainly not all of them (unless you want to), but it would be cool to see some more.
Sweet job! Just one thought, I feel like the background is too much, too bright, it’s taking some attention off the medal, the medal isn’t really standing out. Really cool though.
Lol… Thanks again and yes i will post soon another World War II medal from another country but in separate new thread!
Thank you coolfield7.
It would look better if the background was a little bit more dark, but its too late to do that since the medal was post processed with Gimp and the file is missing now but i still have the original medal; you can download it also from BlendSwap too if you like :).
Link: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/44372
Oh ok. Awesome, I’ll be sure to download it!