Hi everyone. I happened to append this yellow banana from one of my existing Blender files to another file. My problem is when I rendered to check how it looked, there is this huge ugly checkerboard pattern on one of it’s side. funny to think that there’s no tiled pattern on it’s original .blend file. I tried appending it again but it’s still the same.
Is this a problem with the lighting? even if I minimize or maximize the banana the tiles remain. I’m running out of ideas so I would like to know your suggestions on this. Thanks! :o
Check for any duplicate meshes, duplicate vertices (W / remove doubles) and recalculate face normals (Ctrl+N)
Attach a blend to you post or other host site, I’d rather look at the problem itself rather than just guessing.
it worked for me- I opened your blend file on 2.49, applied multires, and then removed doubles. Showed that 448 vertices had been removed. rendered without subsurf modifier- took 22sec.