IS-2 1944 Heavy Tank

I am blown away - truly awesome work. I love the UE4 stuff aswell. You should make a game around this as the hero !

Incredible realism!

I smell an new addition to the Forum Gallery coming up.
Very well made, and lovely detailed.

Thanks guys!

I finally finished this work, thanks for all critique! Finished thread

An exceptional job McGavish… Texturing and rigging are just amazing. I do agree, that you should do some renders in a realistic environment.

quality work, texture work and weld modeling is superb!

How did you model the muzzel?

An epic recreation, lovely jubbly.

The wholesome beauty of those meshes, apart from anything else.

Well, all those years ago, I would have said: “remember, if you’re actually going to model ‘welds,’ make them welds that a welder would be proud of.”

Haha! yeah! I clicked on it to check out the perfectly modeled crappy weld lol. I really like it otherwise. Mebe it is actually highly realistic. Kinda makes it look like some Russian dude totally didn’t care about his job, so just ripped out lousy workmanship.

Post script: I kinda like it when people revive mummified threads. Gives me opportunities to smart off to something that I never got a chance to!

How did you guys find this thread? :smiley:
Anyway, I’m going to resurrect this tank with something epic, so stay tuned!

Don’t know how Mike1158 found it. looking foreward to total epicness!