Is 4D and up possible with Blender in any form?

Obviously I’m talking about an external addon or feature, as this would likely be weird as a default. I also doubt it exists (since I assume it would require huge changes) but asking either way.

Is there any addon that allows adding more spatial dimensions and creating 4D / 5D / etc models and renders? Such as a tesseract / hypercube that you can rotate and move in all 4 axes, or any other shape. For those who aren’t familiar with +4D space, see this article (I only looked into 4D a while back because it’s a very fascinating topic).

Now I know Blender is a 3D engine and that clearly doesn’t change. I was still very curious if an addon could somehow force the mesh system to support such a deformation to create more than 3 dimensions, and the UI implementations to rotate and move around them in 4D space. Also I know we’re talking about a 2D screen (in a 3D world) on which anything higher than 3D looks limited. Images of hyper-cubes and other shapes still look nice and are fun to experiment with however. Would be nice to try some 4D renders and see what crazyness happens :slight_smile:

So far I couldn’t find anything on this, except an old thread on another forum of someone requesting the feature. Anyone know more, tried this in some form, or has any idea if it can be pulled off somehow?

Technically Blender is 4D, since you can visualize the three spacial dimensions and animate through the 4th dimension of time. In reality, any dimensions beyond would be nonsensical to us, since any being existing in any dimensional state is only able to perceive their own and those below with any visual understanding.

As far as animating and trying to come up with some sort of representation of higher dimensions are done all of the time in many 3D (4D) software packages, and blender would be capable of doing this, as well as what is seen in your examples. These are just artist renditions, placed in 4D spacetime, so that we humans can try to understand a concept that is beyond our ability to see. But there is no way to make a 5D or higher shape in a 4D world and in a software package that only has rules that pertain to 3 spatial dimensions and 1 of time. Artistically you can deform shapes using a combination of morph targets, displacements, bones so on and so forth to achieve the effect and is really up to the artist. I know of no software that would even attempt a go at an actual shape beyond pure mathematical, non-graphical representation for higher dimensions and the cube is a simplification of a concept. It appears that it is just pulling a planer part of the cube (2 cubes actually connected by the diagonals) and as it comes out of the other side it scales up and then moves back just to eventually scale down and make the journey again. There would be a good use of constraints here as well to make sure everything maintains the proper relationships.

Yes that’s a detail I missed. Blender is 4D because it allows animations, and 4D is time. It’s actually 5D if I think about it, since the 5th dimension is believed to be parallel timelines and Blender supports scenes which can link the same objects and animate them differently :slight_smile:

But I am talking about geometrical 4D. A higher dimention is indeed impossible to conceive, and no being on this 3D world could probably even imagine how a 4D environment really looks and works like. I’ve yet to understand if the brain can imagine and visualize 4D space exactly as it is (with a lot of practice) even if the world itself is limited to 3 physical dimensions that can be directly manipulated and sensed, and basically no being alive has ever seen such a space so their brain could develop understanding for it.

But as the animations I linked above show, you can sort of create 4D shapes and move / rotate / scale them in all axes. It’s of course very limited because we see it on a 2D screen, which can be considered a bottleneck. It’s like being able to install a quad-core processor but having a motherboard that can only run 2 CPU cores at a time. It might still work, show all cores, but you don’t actually use all of them so they’re useless. One can still use it like that for fun, learning, or just for science and being a nerd :3

I imagine that for this Blender would need a special deformation technique, since a weird and tricky malformation of the shape is what would be needed in this case. It would also probably need a modified mesh system so you can extrude in the 4th direction, which would be incompatible with 3D meshes (although you could load a 3D mesh just like you can load a 2D flat plane and extrude it later to make it 3D). Mathematically speaking (as well as code-wise) this shouldn’t be too hard to implement for someone who knows how, if somebody can just figure out how orientation in full space works like, and how / what to press and drag in Blender to move the camera around and model the mesh.

Ok I know this is a tad old and I’m sorry to bump but any fdimention of mathamatics can be done on any other dimention for example blender runs on the premise of rendering a 3 dimentional mathamatical coordinate onto a 2 dimentional plane therefore any 4D geometrics can be rendered in blender as a 2d representation of a 3d representation of a 4 diamentIanl set of geometry, this is the theory but there is an underlyeing problem with this that is that no-one has yet percived an object existing with 4D geometric properts therefore any conclutions drawen from a mathamatical representation of Them are automaticaly null as you are unable to draw an adequte prediction, meanibg that the math is only ever conceptual and the rendering ofg the 4D space cam never bare to a reality and is in fact only an Artists representArion thus tessorats cannot exist acratwly in 3D space at the current time

I’m sorrys for the poor typeing and lack of math I’m posting on a mobile phone