Is BlenderKit down?

I figure this is the right section as it comes with Blender and is not working.

For the past few days after upgrading to 2.83 I’ve been having problems getting anything to appear in Blender using BlenderKit. I’ve entered my login info then restarted, logged out, logged back in, and still nothing. Is anyone else having this problem or know if the server is down now? Does anyone have any suggestions to get it working again?

I’m using Windows 10.

I had the exact same issues so I ended up removing Blenderkit. I am guessing they haven’t made the necessary changes to make it work with latest Blender release but shouldn’t be too long. If you keep it you will probably find it working again at some point but I tend to just move on and stick with others

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What others do you use?

I use Blendermada but it only does materials and not assets, I try not to use assets and make my own. every material though I have created and saved multiple materials from as they create different effects. If you look at my portfolio I showed a ghost material that I was testing of their’s but then I was able to create multiple branches of that for different things

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1 week later and it seems to still be down. Anyone else getting this?

1 month and it’s still down for me at least

Hello, I just see this message.
It isn’t in our power to come and visit this forum regularly.

We aren’t down, at all (there are many thousands of searches and downloads daily), so it might be some kind of bug what you are experiencing.

If you experience a bug, report it through standard bug reporting or contact us directly on email.

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Thank you. After your report that it is working I went and disabled all my plugins that didn’t come with Blender. I then restarted blender. It was working again. I then enabled each plugin one by one until it stopped working. Turns out X-Muscle System was the plugin making BlenderKit not work. I’ve messaged the xmuscle person.

I am questioning how many people BlenderKit is actually working for because I’ve had this post up for 2 months and didn’t get a single report from anyone that BlenderKit was functional for them. If you search “BlenderKit” on this site many more posts pop up. Maybe there is something in there to be fixed on the BlenderKit side?

Thanks a lot for doing the research, watercycles.
I know the author of X-muscle, so I will ask him to send me a fresh version of the addon and will try to fix.


Thank you,
there’s new X-Muscle System 2.3.4 update that fixes compatibility with BlenderKit add-on. It is highly recommended to update especially for those who are using these two add-ons together. Thank you BlenderKit for the help!

Please make sure you have both add-ons up to date! This will ensure you have all the features, patches and fixes applied :slight_smile:

Best Regards!

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Thanks Albert,
I also just commited a fix to BlenderKit that should prevent similar problems with other addons in the future.

Thanks to all users who reported this!