Is drawing/creating verts as hard as i think it is??

Im running into a problem that when i want to create a surface from scratch i can’t seem to get verts created like i want them to. does anybody have any tips or NON VIDEO tutorials handy??

(i seem to run into a problem of either the docs and what im seeing are different or the resulting surface wants to pretzel on me)

Im running into a problem that when i want to create a surface from scratch i can’t seem to get verts created like i want them to.
Can you be less vague so someone can supply the most appropriate response. If it’s about simply adding additional vertices to a mesh, just read the wiki for the tools available to you

its more about creating a mesh from scratch AND I HAVE READ THE WIKI IT DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IM GETTING IN BLENDER.

im trying to make a “Dancers Blade”

as you can see im running into a problem of the verts deciding to go into crazy places (the not hand object should be FLAT)

you have to be in an orthographic view to draw in a plain. for your specific setup, numpad 7 should give you a top orthographic view. and if you select a vertex, and hit E to extrude, all the vertices created will be along the same plane.

what you can do to fix what you already have into a flat plane, is move your cursor to one of the vertices thats in the correct position (select the vertex, Shift + S > cursor to selected). then change your pivot center to 3d cursor. hit A to select all, and scale to 0 along the Z axis. (S + Z + 0).

like so: