is it getting late or what? (for the next release of blender)

I am wetting myself in anticipation of 2.50. And I don’t care even if I have to wait until mid-June 2008. I think the devs do a fantastic job and we should all be patient. We really are spoiled. :smiley:

Well 2.50 will be huge partly considering how many techniques from recent papers have been implemented. 2.50 will have one of the longest recent development cycles, but it will be the biggest release in Blender history.:spin:

yes, we sure are… thanks to the dev’s for taking good care of our killer-fanatic arses…! :wink:

[small rant]You should all still be learning how to get the most out of Blender as it is. None of you know how to use every feature on present version of Blender, i doubt even Ton does, and its not as if the current one is lacking. Awsome things can be done now and very few of you will be able to produce 500% better works with 2.5 because hardly any of us have pushed Blender to its limits.

Yes, it will be great when the next verison comes out, but what you all really want to do is get better at Blender now, and having a better tool doens’t always make you better at using it.

In short, stop whining about something you dont have and get working with what you have.[/small rant]