Is it possible to BEVEL CURVE vertices?


Is it possible to Bevel a vertex of a curve (as if it were a poly object)?

Thank you!

Yes, after hot key Alt + C then select Convert to “Mesh from Curve”.

What is it that you’re trying to achieve?

Probably the same that me, it’s 2024 and it’s really idiotic not to be able to bevel a vertex on a curve angle, if anyone know how to do so, please do tell!

Hello and welcome :tada: …

In “Edit” mode choose the vertex you want to bevel,
“press” “W” and choose “Filet”, then choose the value of the radius and “Round” or “Chamfer” …

Happy :blender_logo_64_png:


What plugin are you using …W is the keypress to change your type of Selection…

Oh yes,
It’s the “Curve Tool” add-on that you need to activate !
Accessible by, “View 3D” > “Tool Shelf” > “Edit” Tab > “Curve Edit”

For me, the shortcut “W” calls the “Special Menu” !


Thanks! The OP might find this info useful!


Him maybe not, but “Juan Nicolás Reyes Restrepo” surely !


I did, super useful, glad I stopped by,
i would have looked in the menus and the tool bar, tried some shortcuts and gave up!!! and never though of a plugin

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